Young People who are on the Saxon Hill School role and who are in full time education may be eligible for either an extended day or overnight provision at the residential setting known as the ‘Sleepover Club’.
Families should apply in the first instance to Kim Thomas, the Head of Care. She will then arrange to meet with parents or carers to complete an initial Care Plan. From the information received, a Risk Assessment will be written to ensure that the child’s needs are able to be met. This information will all then be shared with the Admissions Panel which consists of a combination of the Head Teacher or member of the Senior Leadership Team, The Head of Care, Deputy Head of Care, Senior Shift Leader and Governor for residence. If agreed, a placement may be offered for one or two nights per week during term time, depending on availability, for a six month period after which it is reviewed.
Assuming that we can continue to meet need, and presuming that no problems arise, we can continue to accommodate your child if we have capacity and with the agreement of the panel.
There will be a planned, phased exit with the placement being closed completely by the Spring Term of the child’s last year in school. Where there is a higher demand than availability for places, it may be necessary to reduce the provision for those who have accessed Sleepover Club for a long period of time, to ensure equity to newcomers.
Emergency Placements may be requested in times of family crisis or offered when there are Safeguarding or Child Protection concerns, as long as there is a bed available. The funding source has to be established and agreed in these instances.
The full Admissions Policy can be viewed by clicking here.