Our details
Saxon Hill Academy
Kings Hill Road
Lichfield WS14 9DE
Tel: 01543 414892
Email: office@saxon.set.org
For safeguarding issues please contact:
- Suzanne Walters (Safeguarding Lead),
- Helen Bowers (Deputy Safeguarding Lead & Senior Family Support Officer)
For complaints please contact Maggie Candlish (Headteacher) via Headteacher@saxon.set.org
Miscellaneous Information
Chair of Academy Council
Hilary Armstead
Tel: 01543 414892
Email: hilary.armstead@saxon.set.org
CEO Shaw Education Trust
Mrs Jo Heard-Jones
Tel: 01782 742900
Email: info@shaw-education.org.uk
Saxon Hill Academy takes the security of the data we hold very seriously. You have a legal right to be informed about how our school uses any personal information that we hold about you or your child. To comply with this, we provide a ‘privacy notice’.
Our privacy notices explain how personal data is collected, stored, and used.
Saxon Hill Academy is the ‘data controller’ for the purposes of data protection law.
The Data Protection Officer is Wes Morris. If you have any questions about the notice our Data Protection Officer by clicking here.
From 25th May 2018, we shall process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR for short). This notice complies with requirements under both DPA and GDPR.
If you have any questions about Saxon Hill Academy please get in contact with us using the form below.